Terrene Cake Eaters

Terrene Tires' studded Cake Eaters are pretty great. The particular set I got came without the studs installed, but Larry from Trailhead and I were able to get them studded up fairly quickly and easily, in time for the 2019 Fatbike Frozen Forty. Unfortunately, we weren't able to get them to set up tubeless on the stock Giant Yukon rims -- there just wasn't much of a bead on the rim, and we couldn't quite get the tires to hook in.

I got probably four or five rides in on these before the winter turned into a hot (er, cold) mess. I didn't really notice any self-steer or anything. The tires themselves were nice and light, but with the studs and tubes, I definitely noticed the extra rotating mass. Even with that extra weight, [I'd still recommend studded tires] for most winter riders.

The picture here is how mine came -- without studs. But it's an easy (if somewhat time-consuming) project to add studs when you need them. This lets you decide how many studs you want, and where you want them.